Here’s some answers to some common questions about Terrariums

Christmas FAQ’s

*You can pre order anything on the website to avoid missing out. At checkout, you can select your preferred dispatch date. We send items from our home studio every Tuesday. Terrariums around the Wellington/Manawatu/Horowhenua region will be delivered same day, and DIY kits and other goodies will be 2-3 days. (general post). We suggest selecting either the 5th, 12th or 19th of December depending on when you want your order.

*If you receive your DIY kit with more than 2 weeks until Christmas, you will need to open it up (if there’s a plant included) and take the plant out so it gets some light. This is the only thing you will need to do and there are instructions on how to care for it in the envelope inside the box. If it arrives within the week of Christmas you can just leave it boxed up until the big day.

* DIY kits that are Christmas gifts will not need to be made up for at least a month after Christmas, so the lucky recipient has plenty of time to enjoy making up their gift.

*Made up terrariums are only available in the Wellington/Manawatu/Horowhenua region - they are too fragile to ship however all our DIY kits are available nationwide.

What is a Terrarium and how do they work?

A true Terrarium is a sealed environment containing humidity loving plants. It must be sealed so that plants can recycle water vapour, carbon dioxide and oxygen. The vessel (usually glass with a lid or stopper) creates a the perfect home for tropical plants and mosses as well as creating a self sustaining ecosystem, the perfect low maintenance statement piece for your home. Water vapour is released by plants within, which then collects as condensation on the inside of the glass and in turn falls back to the soil watering the plants.
This is the natural water cycle and it’s magic to watch a little world as it grows and sustains itself.

How do I look after my new Terrarium?

Terrariums are very low maintenance, however there are a few things you need to do that will keep your little ecosystem healthy and happy.

Light: Bright, indirect light. Near a window but not close enough for your plants to burn through the glass. Terrariums are typically made with tropical plants and mosses that do not need direct sunlight, so make sure it’s in the right spot and every so often turn it around so that your plants grow evenly. Tropical plants are used to growing under the canopy of the rain forest, so they only receive dappled, indirect light.

Air: Only remove the lid for watering and maintenance. If there are large droplets of condensation forming that do not go away, leave the lid off for a few hours to dry out a bit. Remove any mould or dead foliage as soon as possible.

Water: Each day you should see condensation forming in your Terrarium. This is the natural water cycle that makes your ecosystem self sustaining. Water sparingly and only when this condensation has mostly dried up and the soil layer looks dry. When you do water your Terrarium (which could be every few months or longer depending on how tight the seal) make sure you introduce it slowly, only adding a few squirts from a spray bottle or a few drops as over watering your Terrarium will lead to mould, root rot and too much condensation. If this does happen, remove the lid overnight or until your Terrarium has dried out a bit and then replace the lid and monitor.

Maintain: Wipe down the inside and outside of the glass with a paper towel or lint free cloth every few months to keep your Terrarium looking fresh (this makes such a huge difference). Trim any plants that are outgrowing the space with a pair of clean scissors.

I want to order for the future, what do I do?

We are take pre orders and its as easy as selecting your preffered Monday for delivery/dispatch at checkout. Our DIY kits are safe to keep in a cool, dark spot for up to three weeks before opening. The moss is sealed in bags so will be fine if kept cool.

What kind of plants do well in a closed Terrarium?

The best plants for this environment are tropical, humidity loving plants.
At Jungle Botanics we use a lot of Fittonias, as these provide an amazing pop of colour combined with native forest mosses, as well as ferns, begonias and other tropical plants. Never use cacti or succulents in a closed Terrarium as these plants require direct sunlight and do not like high humidity. Succulents can only be used in open Terrariums.

What does it mean if my Terrarium is foggy?

This is a good sign and means that your Terrarium is watering itself through the natural water cycle. This comes from your plants releasing water vapour which is then recycled over and over, maintaining the humid ecosystem. If your Terrarium has been overwatered and you can see water pooling at the bottom, open it up and let it dry out overnight before replacing the lid.

Help! There’s mould in my Terrarium, what can
I do?!

If you notice mould starting to form anywhere in your Terrarium (usually in the form of small white fluffy spots) remove it quickly so that it does not spread. Do this be either removing the mouldy part or gently brushing it off, taking care not to spread it around on tools or plants. Mould grows if the balance in your Terrarium isn’t quite right. This could be because it isn’t getting enough light, or because its got too much or too little water. Play around a little and keep removing it until it stops regrowing.

If there’s a dead leaf do I need to remove it?

Plants losing leaves is just a part of nature and their growing process, so no need to panic if some foliage dies. It’s best to remove this foliage in case it encourages mould to grow.

Bugs! Panic! Ew!

Here at Jungle Botanics we LOVE bugs. They are such an important part of our planet’s ecosystem and because we are creating Terrariums using part of this ecosystem, sometimes a few unwanted critters turn up.

There are a few bugs that we don’t want in Terrariums as they might nibble on leaves and inhibit growth. If you see trails in the condensation inside your vessel every morning, there’s likely to be a slug lurking around. You need to find the slug and immediately remove it as they will feed on your plants and it ain’t pretty. They usually come out at night so have a good hunt around and remove with a utensil or cotton bud as soon as you find it.

Sometimes there will be insect larvae lurking in mosses or soil, that wont hatch for weeks and then overnight you’ll have little black flies buzzing around. The best way to get rid of them is to remove the lid and place a small container of vinegar or red wine to attract them. Repeat this process until no more appear.

If aphids appear in your Terrarium you will need to remove infested plants and wash them down with a natural insecticide or replace them with fresh, healthy plants.

Can I add my own decorations into my Terrarium?

Absolutely!! Get creative, you can add crystals, figurines and all sorts of cute ornaments to personalise your Terrarium but always make sure to give them a good clean in some hot soapy water before adding them. Anything you add to a Terrarium must be water resistant and non-biodegradable, otherwise you’re asking for a big mouldy mess.

Can you ship Terrariums through the post?

Unfortunately Terrariums are too fragile to ship outside of the Wellington region, they can only be delivered by couriers directly. Here at Jungle Botanics we do all our own Terrarium deliveries each Monday to make sure they arrive to you safely. If you live outside of Wellington check out or DIY kits and get creative, we can send these to you nationwide.

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